About NAME Foundation

We believe that the troubles, poverty and decadence in the world today are rooted in the pursuit of self interest above the interest of others. Everybody can contribute their quota in their capacity to improve their neighborhood and the living standards of their communities; therefore, we all should be responsible and relevant in reshaping, restructuring, repairing and rebuilding the decadence in our societies.


We advocate for the j joint use of resources or spaces, to avert the scarcity of what could be most abundant. Our processes somethings involve...


We engage actively in providing love or other emotional support for individuals and groups who are in need. We give, we also encourage giving at al...


Our endeavors involve the examplary teaching of display kindness and concern for others. Caring for people in need, providing the right suppor...

Our Vision

A world that is righteous, peaceful and joyful, built by lovepreneurs,a new breed of business leaders in pursuit of their NAMEs- Noble Adventures for Mankind Empowerment.

Our passion is to develop people that are truly and fully empowered,Spiritually, psychologically and socio-economically.

Promoting the act of Caring, Giving and Sharing through our Primary Communities of Interest

We work and co-create with lovepreneurs-a new breed of meaning focused business people- to adopt transformative business models, access market and information as well as finance to start and scale their impact across geographies.

AFARI Initiative

Investing or participating in the production of the food we consume is a must, if we are serious about feeding our people, creating jobs & wea...

Financial Literacy

We bridge the gap of knowledge in financial literacy for citizens. We help citizens possess the set of skills and knowledge that allows a...

Human Capacity Development

We engage citizens in Capacity Development, helping individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tool...

Lovepreneurship Academy

Are you in the city of Ibadan? Join the LOVEPRENEURS, a group of individuals who are on a quest to discovering their Divine Natural Abilities, buil...


The short description for the new Service will appear here. The short description should be between 100 and 300 characters.


The short description for the new Service will appear here. The short description should be between 100 and 300 characters.

Make impact with us

Are you in the city of Ibadan? Join the LOVEPRENEURS, a group of individuals who are on a quest to discovering their Divine Natural Abilities, building business around it and spreading the language of love far and wide.

Learn more

Why NAME Foundation

When Lovepreneurship is fully propagated, most of our societal vices would disappear, wealth will abound and greatness will be ours.

Sharing 100%
Giving 90%
Caring 75%
... 55%


Interesting facts about us at NAME Foundation









NAME Foundation Projects

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AFARI- The end of Farmer's poverty is here.

   What Problem Do We Intend to So...

Legacies That Lives On

Spartacus died in 71 BC.  You know him....


In a bid to bridge the gap between producers an...

Agribusiness Summit & Expo

It was an amazing feeling being at the 2018 Sou...

Promote Grassroots Sports

The mission of our organization is to build the...

Networking Platform

Fostering collaboration between innovative peop...

Our Clients