What Problem Do We Intend to Solve Through The AFARI Program?
Productivity does not always guarantee prosperity.
This explains why majority of productive Nigerian farmers remains poor within a multi trillion naira food industry.
In 2019 alone, Nigerians spent N22.7 trillion on food representing 56.6% of their total household consumption expenditure according to NBS 2019 household consumption expenditure report. Nigerians spend more money on food than any other country in the world.
Why is it then, that the ever growing and highly profitable Nigerian food industry does not transform the living standards of millions of active farming families involved in it?
You may think it is because Nigerians import some of their foods. This is not true, Nigeria only import about 10% of her food consumption, the rest is grown mostly through subsistence farming by poor families nationwide or locally produced and processed by very few industrialists
Based on several years of facilitation of various offtaker and outgrower schemes cutting across animal husbandry to crop production sectors, we have come to the sad conclusion that farming families in Nigeria are mostly poor because of the activities of shylock middlemen that operates between the farmers and the consumers(market). These middlemen include produce aggregators / traders, storage facility providers, processors, transporters and marketers. These middlemen are usually more powerful than the farmers and they control both the demand and selling prices of their produces.
As long as the middlemen connecting the farmers produces/products to the most powerful but naive actors in the food value chain- the consumers- do not have the farmers' best interest at heart, the farmers productivity will continue to end up in cycles of avoidable poverty and poor living standards.
Who will come to the rescue of millions of Nigerian farming families? Who will give to them fair value for their investment of time, energy and resources? We must all answer this clarion call through a framework that will guarantee that our food value chains work for the best interest of all value chain actors from the field to the table. The best place to start to address this evil is from the very beginning. Farmers should and must get great prices for the great food products they produce.
What Solution Does AFARI offers?
AFARI- Agribusiness For All Revolution Initiative- provides a very practical framework to address the weakness and wickedness in the Agribusinesses value chain. Everyone of us must and should participate in the food value chain at one stage or another because we all consume food.
The AFARI program is promoted and implemented by NAME Foundation, a private psycho-spiritual and socioeconomic development promotion organisation, to change the narrative of a country suffering in the midst of plenty. A country that has the second highest burden of malnourished children in the world. A country that has become the poverty capital of the world.
Our goal is to use the AFARI program to make a difference in the lives of the people who grow the food we love.
Our mission is to promote fairer trading conditions and promote righteousness across food value chains.
The sole purpose is to empower farmers and workers, to combat poverty, to eradicate malnutrition and to strengthen vulnerable food value chain actors to take more control of the outcomes of their lives.
The AFARI Model
1. Under the AFARI program will are creating direct enterprising communities around different local agricultural produce/product in order to create wealth for food value chain actors especially vulnerable farming families.
2. The AFARI program will launch with the Household Small Scale Broiler Production (HSBP) Scheme. The plan is to have clusters of 10 households to farm 50-100 broilers each for 5- 8 weeks in their homes and in different communities. The program is targeted at vulnerable women.
3. Acceptable matured birds with an average live weight of 2kg will be centrally processed by a cluster processor and transported to AFARI Hub at NAME Foundation's Lovepreneurship Centre, Ogun Oshun River Basin Development Authority, Ibadan.
4. NAME Foundation will pay the farmers and processors immediately an agreed premium offtake price and store the products in coldrooms and refrigerators. Currently most farmers under the different outgrower schemes of major chicken processors in Nigeria enjoy offtake prices between N500-N530/kg of live chiken weights. AFARI will guarantee its cluster farmers between N20 to N50 higher offtake prices as well as provide welfare fund for community empowerment projects focused at vulnerable children.
5. Processed Chicken will be sold through a network of commissioned marketers who may or may not stock products.
6. Logistic companies will help to deliver purchased chicken to consumers' door steps.
7. NAME Foundation will serve as the program implementation organisation to ensure that all value chain actors are fairly and rightly compensated for their investment of time, talent and treasures.
How Can You Participate- where do you come in
The farmers are usually at the mercy of food produce traders and large agro processing companies. However, these middlemen and processors are also at the mercy of the average food consumer-You. Even thou the average consumer do not know and hardly use this enormous power, the large scale food processors are aware and they always pray they never use it.
By the conscious use of your power to decide where and who to buy your daily food from, you will be helping to change the living standards of vulnerable farmers and children in rural communities.
The power to change the lives of the poor is in your hands.
As consumer will implore you to Vote AFARI, patronise AFARI products. As you do, we will continue to strengthen our action and our voice to empower poor farmers/workers that produce our foods while at the same time feeding vulnerable children.
Signup to become a commissioned marketer for AFARI products and enjoy good commission for each product you sell. You will earn between N50-N100 on each product sold. You will also continue to earn per product sold as your referrals continue to buy AFARI products. You don't need to have a shop or stock our products. Simply market the product, get orders and the AFARI Ambassador will make the delivery
3. As AFARI DISTRIBUTOR You can join us as existing or new food vendors to stock and sell AFARI products and enjoy special discounts.
You can sign up as a processor of AFARI Cluster Farmers' produce. An AFARI Processor could introduce to the AFARI program a cluster of 10 women farmers or serve an existing cluster of farmers.
Central to the AFARI program is the role of the farmers. The scheme exist to primarily change the living standards of vulnerable subsistence farmers. In this scheme, cluster farmers shall be nominated either by a sponsor, a guarantor who could either be a religious leader, association leader, political leader or a good spirited individuals that intend to empower a number of vulnerable women living within the same neighborhood.
Are you interested in empowering vulnerable women. You can work with NAME Foundation to empower them through the AFARI program. You will nominate vulnerable women for the scheme and you could either fund their farms or guarantee the delivery of their matured chicken if they are founded by AFARI Investors. When you guarantee and fund, your investment will attract returns of about 1-2% per month.
The estimated cost to set up a pen or battery cages that can house 50-100 birds to maturity ranges from about N20,000 to N75,000 depending on choice of construction materials and finishing. The present cost of raising chicken from day old to average live weight of 2kg is between N800-N1000 depending on cost of Day Old Chicks and feed choice. Farmers and investors can exercise their discretion and innovation about these expenditures. The major value offered by NAME Foundation through the AFARI program, as earlier stated, is the premium offtake price. This guarantees market for farmers and also ensure the safety of investors' capital and returns on investments.
The AFARI HSBP scheme will guarantee AFARI investors returns on investment (ROI) of between 1-2% per month. ROI shall be agreed at the the beginning of each investment cycle
You can donate cash or in kind to enable NAME Foundation continue to feed vulnerable children in your honour. This way your donation becomes a living tree that produces fruits every investment cycle. The food within the fruits are used to support your nominated charitable cause while the seeds are reinvested to grow more fruits that contain more foods and more seeds.
9. As AFARI AMBASSADOR You can enlist as AFARI Ambassador to replicate and propagate the AFARI empowerment model within any community across the 36 states of Nigeria. AFARI Ambassador are look choose a particular agribusiness or food value chain enjoying comparative advantage within any community or state and build the AFARI Business Model around it. NAME Foundation will be glad to provide an Ambassador with necessary technical and business advisory support .
Be the Part of the great change, Sign Up Via th is link bit.ly/3haKcqS